In times of crisis, an awful lot of companies keep a tight hand on the purse strings. This is understandable, after all, you don't know what next month will look like. Will we still be glued to our homes by then or will we be allowed to go out in an "intelligent" way in the meantime?
What we notice very well is that online businesses are now on the rise at breakneck speed. Turnovers are being achieved that we could only dream about 2 months ago.
Yet this is where we do end up going. After all, online sales are increasingly taking over in our society. After all, why spend hours strolling around the mall and standing in line when you can just order it on the Internet?
So my advice is, don't forget to invest in your online visibility! Online visibility is becoming more important every day. Many companies that have invested in it in recent years are now reaping the benefits. For example, search engine optimization (SEO) is a method of attracting free visitors to your website. You can do this by writing content that is relevant to your target audience, gathering backlinks and, of course, making sure your website is technically sound.
If you pick this up the right way you can really get a huge benefit from this!
In addition to SEO, there is also the option of using search engine advertising (SEA). This simply means that you advertise on Google. The biggest disadvantage of this is that as soon as you turn off the money, all your ads are gone from Google. As soon as you open the money tap again, they will of course be shown again.
This is exactly why SEO is so incredibly powerful! If your website is strong organically, you will benefit tremendously from this at all times.
So try to put your focus a little more on search engine optimization. That way you can attract free visitors to your website. Not sure where to start? We would be happy to help you get started.